After deciding to create a 2D animation, I picked my sound file (no. 2 "He's, he's tough... He's a brute, but he's got a good heart... And at the end of the picture... He saves the girl"). Although this clip had no sound effects other than voices, I felt it's fast pace would allow me to make quite an energetic animation to.
My first Idea involved 3 characters: The first character was the 'talking' one (he would do the gestures, but I was instructed not to attempt to lip-sync. any characters) who is based on a 50s style movie writer/director , in a grey suit, with a smart comb over hair cut. The second was the character who the first character is talking about. His role was to react to the first character with expressions, and occasionally morph to become a metaphorical representation of the description given by the first character. An example of this is when he says "He's a brute", he would morph into a gorilla. The third character would be "the girl", who would be a 50s movie stereotype damsel in distress, who would fall into the second characters arms on the que: "He saves the girl".
I liked this Idea, and began animating on Photoshop. I got to the stage of having fully animated the movements of the second and third character to the sound clip, with the intention of creating a new video layer to create the first character to interact with, and then add colour, when somewhere along the lines of moving files around they where corrupted. This happened to coincide with the server I use to back up the files being temporarily down. This was very unfortunate, as I felt it would then be impossible to make an animation as complex as this plan in the time I had left, so I created a new storyboard for a similar Idea with only one character.
The new storyboard basically consists of just the writer/director character, where the audience is in the position of maybe a producer, who is judging his idea. In this storyboard, the character is pointing at a flip-board on a stand, and pulling faces to fit with the lines.
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